Healthy Aging Utah Summit, September 17, 2018 at Skaggs Catholic Center, Draper 5:30-7:30-Pre-Register Today

Join us for the first annual Healthy Aging Summit!  Crucial information for those who need to navigate the information in Utah for Alzheimer’s, dementia, and how to get care for those we love.  Here’s the line up:

1.      Main speaker:  John Kauwe, Ph.D., professor and chair of Biology Department at BYU

“Dr. Kauwe will explain the pathology of Alzhiemer’s disease and describe approaches used for diagnosis of cognitive deficits. He will summarize what is known about the heritability of Alzheimer’s disease and describe current state of the art approaches and research for understanding the genetic basis of the disease. Finally, he will discuss the current state and direction of research in therapeutics.”


2.      Christine Nguyen:  Medicaid State-Level Housing Coordinator, Social Worker

Christine will discuss the use of social workers to evaluate long term care needs.  Christine and her Co-worker will discuss  Utah state funded/state assisted benefits for providing for housing and long term care for elderly and incapacitated in our community in both the home environment and in facilities.


3.      Kathy Jones Price:  Certified Financial Planner, MBA

Kathy Jones Price will discuss traditional long term care policies and hybrid policies to privately fund long term care.


4.      Kathie Brown Roberts, Certified Elder Law Attorney;  Kate Nance, Elder Law Attorney

Kathie Roberts and Kate Nance will speak about estate planning and long term care planning documents which are necessary for everyone as you age.