Medicare Scam: Genetic Testing

Beware of ‘Free Genetic Testing’ Medicare Scam

Over the past few years, DNA tests have become more popular across the country. However, unscrupulous people are taking advantage of the buzz around these tests to scam Medicare beneficiaries.

Scammers target Medicare beneficiaries through telemarketing calls, booths at...

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Giving to the Next Generation

From self-expression to self-direction, there are countless ways for older adults to stay engaged and give back to others at the same time. Some of the most rewarding ways to express yourself and contribute to your community involve passing on experiences, wisdom, and skills to the generations that follow.

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Why Everyone Should Plan for Long-Term Care

According to, research suggests that most Americans turning age 65 will need some form of assistance with everyday activities, known as long-term care, as they grow older. The amount of care needed will depend on many variables, including overall health, cognitive functioning, and home environment.

Age is a...

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Adult Day Care Primer and Considerations

Adult Day Care Centers are designed to provide care and companionship for seniors who need assistance or supervision during the day. The program offers relief to familymembers or caregivers and allows them the freedom to go to work, handle personal business or just relax while knowing their relative is well cared for...

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What is ISM?

ISM is an acronym used by the Social Security Administration which refers to "In Kind Support Maintenance", which can reduce the amount of a recipient's SSI.

Currently, the SSA considers any in-kind support and maintenance provided to an SSI recipient, such as free or reduced-cost food and housing, as...

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Surrogate Decision Making in Utah

Have you wondered what would happened if you or a loved one did not have an advance directive which appoints a health care agent and your health care preferences? Is it still possible for a loved one to make health care decisions for you or even make decisions on your behalf...

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Divorce and Social Security Benefits

Did you know that your ex-spouse can be entitled to social security benefits based on your work record?Here is a quote from the social security website: "If you are divorced, your ex-spouse can receive benefits based on your record (even if you have remarried) if:

Your marriage lasted 10...
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Planning Proactively

As we age, our likelihood of mental incapacity increases.  After all, our bodies and minds deteriorate as we age.  Mental incapacity could result from dementia, stroke, brain injury, or other illness.  What is mental incapacity and in what ways can you plan to be best prepared for it?

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